The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.
This is Jeopardy!
This is the day of the flashback. If you recall, on
April 5 post I conveyed my dismay at missing the taping of the Jeopardy Power Players when they were here in DC. I did get to see the Kids Week taping and I got to see the fantastic Clue Crew... Those episodes aired this week. This upcoming week however, is the Power Players week, so set your VCR and get ready to party like it Jeopardy time.
Wonkette has the
schedule. So tune in and prove your smarter than Tim Russert and Ari Fleisher.
Flash Update
It's Friday, so inevitably, it took some considerable effort to make it this far through the day. Fortunately though I have some solid stand-bys to help me out. If you read my post from
April 14 you'll know what I'm talking about. Well, it turns out there is a new addition to the
Kenya family. It's a
live action Kenya dance (
mirror)... it's not as good as the original, but you can beat the rhythm. Also, if you're familiar with the ever popular
Badgers, badgers, badgers, then you have to see the newest variation, which is
Bananaphone... and it's very entertaining. And lastly, check out the
Lego dance party... it just might give you that extra boost to make it to the weekend. Party on!
Star Sightings
So I was just minding my own business, having a meeting at work today, when all of these trucks roll up outside of our office. We are about to break for lunch anyway, and so get to speculating on why they are all there. We'll, being the quick wits that we are, and by the giant
clapboards on the side of the trucks. We then knew someone was shooting a movie. So we set out to purchase our lunch for the day (I got mine from
Johnny Rockets... yum!). On our way, who should we see, but
Vince Vaughn... right out side my office. And not just him, but like 100 crew members, some extras and an entire set... so I walked by him, gave him the ole nod... and got my Johnny Rockets. Turns out they were filming for the upcoming movie
The Wedding Crashers. Apparently they were getting set for a scene between Owen Wilson and Jane Seymour. It was a nice day and I would have hung around to see some of the filming, but alas, I had to get back to work. Maybe they'll be there when I leave. I guess I'd better get out of here. In the meantime, find out
what you are.
Cinco de My OC
It's not often that a conflict so monstrous comes along, that it puts me in a tizzy, but here I am. It's
Cinco de Mayo, which is usually a good excuse to go party hearty and eat a lot of salsa... which I plan to do. However, it's Wednesday... and not just any Wednesday, it's the season finale of the
O.C. Which means, because I'm going to be celebrating Mexico's fight for self-rule (
margarita is Spanish for "self-rule" right?) I get no O.C. So please, help a brother out. Let me know what happens. In the meantime, in case you missed last week's episode. Here's my summary, excerpted from an E-mail I sent last Thursday:
Last night's OC rocked... First off... trip to Vegas... good times had by all...
Teresa finds out she's pregnant, Marissa finds out Teresa's pregnant.
Teresa tells Marissa it may or may not be Eddie's baby, and if not... it could be Ryan's baby...
Summer listens to the ladies talk about how your dad isn't supposed to like your boyfriend... so she goes to Vegas to find Seth.
Meanwhile, a girl in Vegas hangs starts hanging out with Seth because he, Ryan, Sandy, Jimmy, and Caleb are staying in the Penthouse.
She and Seth kiss and Summer comes in, calls her names... only to find out, the girl really is a prostitute...
The pimp wants money because his girl hung out with the boys all day: $5000...
Ryan gets involved in a low class poker game, wins just enough to cover the tab.
On another front, Sandy finds out that Caleb was the reason they couldn't get a liquor license...
he then bought them out on the cheap and is planning on selling the lighthouse for 10x what he paid Jimmy and Sandy for it.
Sandy crashes the business meeting, interrupts the deal and tell Caleb he's going to tie him up in legal battles.
A few minutes earlier Sandy tells Jimmy that Caleb told him that Marissa is moving in with her mother.
Jimmy asks Ryan, who spills the beans on the deal... then Jimmy crashes the meeting and punches Caleb in the mouth.
Bitch goes down!
In Orange County, the ladies have their fun:
Julie Cooper wants a stripper... Kristin ask Haley to help her get a stripper...
Haley gets several....
Julie is living it up....
One of the strippers propositions her... Julie goes to get her bag, runs into Kristin...
finds out Haley is behind the strippers, thinks she is being set-up into sleeping with the stripper...
slaps Haley... Haley pulls hair, both go in the pool.
Cat fight ensues.
Everyone returns...
Marissa tells Ryan Teresa is pregnant...
music... slow pan up...
It's over...
That's the OC in a nutshell...
So good.
And that's where my knowledge ends. I'm in the dark here. They've gotta have an encore presentation, all I have to do is find out when.
The bandit can run
Hey everybody, guess what I did this morning? I ran a 5k road race at 8:00 AM... that's 3 miles... and I did it all with no formal training, exercise, or booze in my system... and without walking I might add. I know, I'm impressed. I hurt like the dickens, but I'm still impressed. The race was the
ACLI Capital Challenge. It was a nice
course through Anacostia park. And aside from wanting to die at the start of mile 3 and not feeling any better even after I finished the race, it was a good way to start the morning. I finished in just about 28 minutes, which for those of you keeping score, that's about a 9:20 mile... I'll update you tomorrow on the status of my legs, and whether or not they've fallen off. But in the meantime, take a load off and enjoy the scenic cityscape as you leap tall buildings in a single bound with
City Jumper.
Back to Work
I worked Saturday, so I got Monday off... which means it's been a while since I've posted. So, just to whet your whistles, and keep you occupied, here are a few things of entertainment value:
- Run and Roll–This is a fairly bizarre game where you can either play by yourself or against a live opponent somewhere else in the world. The point is to run around a very small planet as fast as you can while dodging, bombs, rakes, ice, and other such inconveniences. It sounds odd, and it is, but it's hours of fun.
- PacMan–Yup, that's right... the original ghost chasing, pellet eating yellow guy is on the Web to waste your time. Play a little, play a lot, but once you pop, you just might never stop.
- HypraSpeed–A single or multiplayer hovercraft racing game with a top down view. Fun and frustrating all at the same time.
So, I hope you enjoy, and hopefully I'll have some more stuff for you later, but this should keep you busy in the meantime.
PS. If you don't know about
this blog, check it out. His name's Rance and everybody wants to know who he is.