The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.
Holy Portable, Batman!
Okay, so the Nintendo DS is set to be released this November, just in time for the holiday season. Big deal, Nintendo has the resources to do that. What really impresses me is the
palmPSone. One man, with some brains, some elbow grease, some patience, and the love of a good challenge got his hands dirty and modified a PSone into a crazy handheld device. It plays all standard PlayStation games, has a battery life of about 1.5 hours, and is totally bad ass. Plus, if you ask nicely, he might make one for you for about $500. (via
Nature is awesome
A huge landslide was caught on camera in Japan and put up on out in Portland, OR. It is awesome. Trees, powerlines, and the entire road disappear before your very eyes. I watched it a couple of times and it's incredible. So
check it out. It'll blow your mind. (via
Definition of awful
I have never seen a longer and more awful film trailer than
this one for Alone in the Dark. It feels like it's about 20 minutes long and seems to have nothing to do with the video game on which it is based. However, it does teach us several important things:
- Tara Reid should not be in anything but Scrubs
- Christian Slater is not an action star
- Lots of guns and firefights do not belong in a horror movie
- Never make a movie based on a video game, ever
- If you can't find enough good clips to fill 30 seconds, don't make a 3 minute trailer
Let this be a lesson to you all. (via
The Spec Spot
Anyone who knows me, knows I love commercials. Like that new one for T-Mobile, where Harold goes nocturnal because his night minutes are cheaper. "Get a new wireless plan, Harold!" yells a neighbor as Harold knocks over the garbage. Yeah, that's a good one. But before a commercial hits the airwaves, it's a spec. The client, such as T-Mobile, takes a look at the spec, and decides if the campaign is right for them. Then they have their say and the commercial is born. But, long story short, I found a great place to watch these specs. Some of them pretty funny too. So check out
The Spec Spot and see some commercials. My personal favorite is
The Look of Love—a spot for Tide with bleach. (via
Crunch Time
Armed with nothing more than a staple gun, it's your job to battle through three levels of an office building jam-packed with zombies and exploding fire-extinguishers. Do you have what it takes to battle the 3pm crunch? If so, you'll love this game:
You know that feeling when you return from the restroom and all your co-workers' brains have exploded, and they have been transformed into blood-thirsty zombies, infected by an intergalactic computer virus disguised as check-this-out mail attachment? This is it.
So go on, vanquish the zombies in
Crunch Time.
My New Filing Technique is Unstoppable
Yes, grasshopper, you must try my new kung-fu filing technique. Battle the evil file cabinet by flinging files at it and avoiding the files it flings back. Simple, entertaining, dangerous.
Try it out. It looks like it's a promotion for David Rees' new book [
My New Filing Technique is Unstoppable], but hey, if the book is half as entertaining as the game it might be worth a read. I'm all about supporting authors who entertain me during work.
It's Tuesday, you're bored. So check out,
imagiNation. It's a cool lilttle flash app that is probably better with drugs, but even with a cup of coffee it's good for at least five minutes of mindless entertainment. It's fun, harmless, and actually pretty cool. I could probably play with it all day... with or without the drugs.
You Have Bad Taste in Music
If you suffer from chronic bad taste in music, you probably don't know it. But if you listen to Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Ruben Studdard, Staind, Linkin Park, Hoobastank, or a host of other bands, you do have bad taste in music. If you don't believe me, check out
You Have Bad Taste in Music. Once you are aware that you have bad taste in music, there is help:
Step 1: Do not attend this concert
Step 2: Stop listening to bad music
Step 3: Turn off your radio and television
Once you've taken these steps, check out the videos, especially the Train video, it cracked me up.
GTA: Weekend Update
How does Gamespot always have the scoop on GTA? I don't know, but what's important is that it's always awesome. According to their
most recent article, this game is going to be even better than we imagined. First off, in addition to hair-styles and weight-management, you'll also have the ability to get tattoos, whether they be gang-related or for that special lady. Also, the cars you jack and drive will start to get a little worse for wear. For example, drive that hot, red, Porka around too much and it will start to get dirty around the wheels, bumper, and windshield. Swing by a carwash to spruce it up. If you just decide to jack another car when yours gets dirty, be wary of cars with loose bumpers, broken windshield, and bullet-riddled doors. Not like in the previous ones when every car was fresh off the lot. And the last bit of insight, is that the new cities will features actual addresses and street signs. No more dependence on the floating arrow. Now you can look for 3536 Ghetto Blvd. on your own and go in guns blazing. That's it in a nutshell, but take a look and try to hold on a few more months until the game hits shelves with such force that it's sold out in minutes.