The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.
Space Quest Anyone?
Due to the overwhelming response to
my last post, I've decided to try and find some variations on a theme. So without further ado, I present to you
Space Quest: The Lost Chapter! It's awesome, and it's a super quick download too, less than 1 MB. Plus it has all the features of the original games. You play space janitor supreme Roger Wilco. You get to type in your commands and get snarky replies for stupid requests. I've only gotten about 20 minutes into it, but it rocks my world. So, if King's Quest wasn't enough for you, now there's a new way to whet your whistle. Don't say I never give you anything and remember, the Bandit knows how you like it.
UPDATE (6/28/04): It has come to my attention, that in my infinite Web wisdom, I've come across two Space Quests. In this post I meant to link to
Space Quest 0: Replicated, but in my haste I linked to The Lost Chapter. Well, my mistake is your benefit. Download them both and get some serious Roger Wilco action. I have played them both for about 20 minutes, and I think I prefer Replicated to The Lost chapter, but that's like saying I prefer Lobster to Filet Mignon. Why choose when you can have both!
King's Quest
If you were a big dork growing up, much like I was, than you are no stranger to
King's Quest. It's the original adventure game for the PC. It came out in 1984 and it was the bees knees. Well, now
AGD Interactive have a version that they have remade that will run on the computers of today. It's a 20.5 MB download, but it's well worth it. Just as good as the original, and totally free. Enjoy it!
Will Smith is "I, Robocop"
Will Smith talks with Wired's Jennifer Hillner about his new movie,
I, Robot in an interview titled
I, Robocop. It's pretty interesting. Will Smith is a geek. I never knew. Sure I knew he'd gotten into MIT, but I never put 2 and 2 together. The best part of the interview though, was this:
You turned down the part of Neo in The Matrix - any regrets?
You know, The Matrix is a difficult concept to pitch. In the pitch, I just didn't see it. I watched Keanu's performance - and very rarely do I say this - but I would have messed it up. I would have absolutely messed up The Matrix. At that point I wasn't smart enough as an actor to let the movie be. Whereas Keanu was smart enough to just let it be. Let the movie and the director tell the story, and don't try and perform every moment.
Yeah, like Keanu could perform at any moment. Let alone, every moment. He's a genius alright. anyway, enjoy it.
Die Wagenschenke - Das Partyzelt am Albanifest in Winterthur
Yeah, I have no idea what that means either. But I think it means something like
Home Run: Albanifest 2004. But translations are not important, this site deals with the most fundamental challenge in human existence... getting home after you're too drunk to stand. The controls are simple, stumble left, move the mouse right. Stumble right, move the mouse left. I would tell you more about the site, but I don't speak the language. All I know is I managed to get a high score of 71 meters. See if you can stumble further than I did.
Kilck da!
Bigger, better, blogging... courtesy of Blogger
So, in an attempt to add more content to my blog and "get the lead out" I've installed the
BlogThis! button on my
Google toolbar. This will hopefully make it easier for me to update my blog and keep you abreast of the latest, craziest, wackiest, geegaw on the Web, without having to wait for me to go to
Blogger and decide to post something. Anyway, let's hold our breath and see if we can make this work.
It's Debbie Downer
So, today was going along just fine, when all of a sudden I ran into Debbie Downer... you know who I'm talking about:
You're enjoying your day
Everything's going your way
Then along comes Debbie Downer
Always there to tell you 'bout a new disease
A car accident or killer bees
You beg her to spare you, "Debbie, please!"
But you can't stop Debbie Downer
That's right. For all of you who saw
Lindsay Lohan host
Saturday Night Live on May 1 you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you didn't see it, then you have to
watch it now. It is one of the funniest sketches I've seen on SNL in a long while. It's about 11MB and 6 minutes long, so make sure your adequately prepared. Then, get ready to laugh your ass off.
Games are good for long days
Wow, it's been a while since my last post... and I can explain. Honest. Well, Friday I was at the
Washington Digital Media Conference, which was about as much fun as a
cheesy flash cat rave. It was a painful experience and I didn't have the heart to blog afterwards. But, funny story, one of the two main sponsors for the conference was none other than
Potomac Tech Wire. Don't know what I'm talking about? Remember
annoying Sam from
The Apprentice? Well, it's
his company. And he was there. That was the only upside (and I don't even know if that's the most appropriate description. But, regardless, then came the weekend, which consisted of
miniature golf,
Cactus Cantina,
batting cages, and
Walmart. Yesterday, I spent catching up on all of the work I didn't get done on Friday. And today I spent playing a really cool game called
Micro Life. It's extremely addictive and extremely well done. The last level took me damn near 45 minutes to beat. It's definitely worth a shot. It has a password feature so you can play a level and then come back and pick it up later. It's very cool. And if you want to play the bonus level, the password is "freeplay". Enjoy it, it's good.