The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.
Crouching Bunny, Hidden Rabbit
It's Friday, so I thought we could all do with a little entertainment. Behold
Kung-Fu Bunnies.
Every bunny was Kung-Fu fighting...
Those paws were fast as lighting
Need I say more? Get your Friday on.
GMail Swap
The internet is a wacky place... and Google always seems to make it wackier. Apparently their
GMail service is causing quite a stir. They give you 1000MB of server space, which is huge, and everyone wants a piece. The only problem is that only a select few can get access. That's how
GMail Swap came about. Anyone who already has a GMail account can invite two other people to join GMail, thus those without have started vying for those limited invitations (
read the Wired article about it. Let me just say the competition is fierce. Lots of people are offering money and naked pictures, but that's just plain boring. Here are some of my favorite offers:
- first edition bible, signed by jesus—This one is great, not only for the original posting, but the follow-ups are priceless
- Nude pics of my dog—There are some very choice phrases that make this offer a winner, like, "She enjoys long walks on the leash, meat, cheese and just about anything food-related..."
- a joint & a couch to sit on in DC—'Nuff said
- I will quit my job!—You really can't beat an offer like that. This guy must really want a GMail account
- my kid brother—Man, if I didn't already have a GMail account I would definitely jump in this guy's boat
- Straight A's on a Report Card—"You may never have achieved straight A's before and this is your chance!" Now that sounds tempting, unfortunately I did okay in 4th grade, it's 10th I was hoping for a gimme on.
I'm telling you, it's more fun than EBay, check it out and find your own favorites. Heck,
Write your own, you may end up with my last invitation. You never know.
Washingtonienne Wrap Up
$4.95 will get you your very own bumper sticker. Don't be the last one on the Hill without it.
More info at Wonkette
Everyone else is doing it
So, what's the most blogged about topic on the internet right now?
The Washingtonienne. Well at least what
Wonkette has posted about her. The story is that a Hill Assistant (or Hill Ass, as she was called) had numerous sexploits with a variety of men while working on the hill, which also helped her supplement her income. She chronicled all of her events in a now defunct blog, which
Wonkette wrote about on May 18. A few hours later, the blog was down and the girl was fired (
more details). Want to know who fired her?
Mike DeWine. Feel free to
let him know what you think about the whole ordeal. Wonkette has a transcript of the defunct blog on her site now, and let me tell you, it's rather addictive. The
latest news I have is that Wonkette is working hard to get her a book deal. Just thought I'd keep my loyal fans in the loop. It's another internet phenomenon, like
The Star Wars Kid.
Wonkette dishes more dirt (4:20pm)
Tuesday Schmoozeday
Some people have too much time on their hands. I am not one of these people. If I were, I would like to think that I would spend my time in a more meaningful way than the people who came up with these things:
- Nintendo Controller Belt Buckle!—"The Nintendo Controller Belt Buckle is a must own for any NES fan. It didn't let you down when you went up against Bowser for the first time, and it won't let you down now that it's holding up your pants. This belt buckle fits on any belt that allows belt buckles." Enough said.
- Complete Ghostbuster suit—Who gonna call? Well, if you're looking for a Ghostbuster suit, complete with replica ghost-busting pack, check out this guy's Web page. He was selling it on EBay. But, sadly, that auction has ended. With a winning bid of $3,051.99, bndkllr2 will be the proud owner of this fantastic costume. Clearly he has way more money than he knows what to do with. Congratulations all around.
- My morning ritual—We all have morning routines. Usually it involves brushing our teeth and running out the door. But some people pretend they are the Terminator. I neither condone nor accept this behavior, but find it extremely entertaining to read about.
Okay, so maybe I have some time on my hands. Afterall, I found these nuggets on the internet. Just don't tell my boss, because I'm supposed to be working.