The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.
Happy Birthday to Me
It's my birthday today. I ain't got no work and I'm having a party tonight. But I thought that I'd kick off the festivities with some
extreme unicycling (.mov). You may not believe me, but this stuff is crazy. I mean, I thought I was up on the alternative sport scene, but some of the stuff these guys do is mind-blowing. Rock on, extreme unicyclists. Rock on.
Grandma's Happy Fist Martial Arts School
Fairy tales are all well and good, but they get boring after the 300th time you've heard them. And that's why Al Gore invented the Internet. So we could see updated classics like
Once Upon a Time, where Little Red Riding Hood runs into the Big Bad Wolf and has a few tricks up her sleeve. And I'm talking Bruce Lee type tricks like, Grandma's Basket, Grandma's Back Massage, and Grandma's Lullaby. Sure they sound lame, but I wouldn't want to run into Little Red down a dark alley. So check it out and see the Big, not-so-bad, wolf get his furry behind handed to him. It's a big file (24.5MB), so be prepared for a little wait. But I assure you, it's well worth it. (via
Milk and Cookies)
My new dream machine
It's my birthday on Friday, and I finally know what I want:
Sony's Vaio X. It goes on sale in Japan on November 20 for around $4,727, so it's okay if you don't have it for me on Friday. I'll understand. And I know, it's a lot of money to spend on someone, but do you know what it does? It's a supercharged TiVo and a supercharged Media PC in one clever box. It is offering 1 terabyte of storage space with an optional 300 GB expansion. It lets you record up to 7 channels simultaneously and with it's enormous storage space it can save a week's worth of programming from 3 different stations, or say 2 days worth of programming from 7 different stations. Or you could store 10 full 40GB ipods worth of music on your machine and a week's worth of TV from any station of your choosing. The possibilities are endless. I want it.
We wants the money, He-Man, or we kills the girl...
What?! He-Man? That's right, the latest installment from idiot work is titled
Masters of Lebowski and it's a mash-up of He-Man and The Big Lebowski. If you haven't seen either, then you don't belong here. But if you've seen them both I think you will appreciate seeing Skeletor and his posse posing as nihilists. So enjoy, but be warned it could take a little while to download as it's an 11.3mb quicktime file. Hey, no complaining. He-Man didn't watch his buddies die face down in the muck so you could enjoy this family establishment, okay?
SpaceShipOne Wins Ansari X Prize
"This is a milestone for humanity."—John Spencer, president of the Space Tourism Society in Los Angeles.
Private flight into space is entirely possible. So look for me on the next flight to space under $1000. Anyway, read the details at,
SpaceShipOne Wins $10 Million Ansari X Prize in Historic 2nd Trip to Space.
A bit o' politics
Here's a little bit of political flash to start your Monday with. The question everyone should ask themselves before going to the polls on November 2:
Are YOU better off? (via
Little Ray of Sunshine)
And speaking of politics and elections. Today is the last day to register to vote in DC. So if you haven't already,
Register to vote. No excuses.