
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
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Will Smith is "I, Robocop" 
Will Smith talks with Wired's Jennifer Hillner about his new movie, I, Robot in an interview titled I, Robocop. It's pretty interesting. Will Smith is a geek. I never knew. Sure I knew he'd gotten into MIT, but I never put 2 and 2 together. The best part of the interview though, was this:
You turned down the part of Neo in The Matrix - any regrets?
You know, The Matrix is a difficult concept to pitch. In the pitch, I just didn't see it. I watched Keanu's performance - and very rarely do I say this - but I would have messed it up. I would have absolutely messed up The Matrix. At that point I wasn't smart enough as an actor to let the movie be. Whereas Keanu was smart enough to just let it be. Let the movie and the director tell the story, and don't try and perform every moment.
Yeah, like Keanu could perform at any moment. Let alone, every moment. He's a genius alright. anyway, enjoy it.