
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.


Grandma's Happy Fist Martial Arts School 
Fairy tales are all well and good, but they get boring after the 300th time you've heard them. And that's why Al Gore invented the Internet. So we could see updated classics like Once Upon a Time, where Little Red Riding Hood runs into the Big Bad Wolf and has a few tricks up her sleeve. And I'm talking Bruce Lee type tricks like, Grandma's Basket, Grandma's Back Massage, and Grandma's Lullaby. Sure they sound lame, but I wouldn't want to run into Little Red down a dark alley. So check it out and see the Big, not-so-bad, wolf get his furry behind handed to him. It's a big file (24.5MB), so be prepared for a little wait. But I assure you, it's well worth it. (via Milk and Cookies)