
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.


Work Sucks 
So, work's been driving me bonkers! That's my excuse for having a lame post on Monday and nothing on Tuesday. I mean the nerve of a full-time job taking up so much of my time that I don't even have time to update my blog. So, I'm fed up with work, and have no time to play. But apparently there are still people out there with too much time on their hands. I direct your attention to exhibit A. Jay Maynard took the time to make his own Tron costume, which was no small feat, and is documented in painstaking detail. I do not have this kind of time. Nor, have I had time to visit one of my Web staples: Homestar Runner. If you haven't seen Homestar, you gotta check it out, but don't take my word for it (Wired news had a pretty cool interview with the Brothers Chap, the guys who started the site... not that I've had the time to read the whole thing yet). So, what am I wasting this brief moment of free time on my blog for? I could be catching up on all the stuff I've been missing out on... or working. Tough choice, I'm out!