
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.


A Cunning Stunt 
This is probably one of the coolest freestyle walking moves I have ever seen. Check out a cunning stunt by Mr. and Mrs. Wheatley and be prepared to say ouch. Remember to look both ways before jumping over a car. (via MetaFilter)


BREAKING: Jon Stewart States the Obvious 
Wonkett has an awesome post up about Jon Stewart's most recent CNN appearance. Apparently he was on Crossfire, where he blasted both Tucker Carlson and Paul Begala. In one prime example, Carlson told Stewart, "You know, you're not as fun as you are on your TV show.""I do think you're more fun on your show. Just my opinion." Stewart replied, "You know what, you're just as big a dick as you are on your TV show.""You know what's interesting, though? You're as big a dick on your show as you are on any show." Stewart also reportedly told Carlson and Begala that their show is "stupid.""partisan hackery." I might have to start watching more CNN.
UPDATE: Check out the official CNN transcript. Also, feel free to check out the Crossfire video, courtesy of random($foo). But get it quick, because it will surely get shut down soon.

Rock songs, hip-hop tracks and movie theme quiz 
If you don't have any hot plans for tonight, I have an idea for you. Get a few friends together and a couple of beers. Gather round the ole compy and play some music trivia. It's put on by UnderGroundOnline and sponsored by Walkman and it's a total blast. See if you can get yourselves on the leaderboard. You get a music clip and have to identify the song or movie it's from. Each song is worth 10 points and after you miss three times you get one last chance to double your score. It's hard, but addictive. I could spend a few hours trying to get a high score on this one.

Best. Nursery Rhyme. Evah! 
What do you get when you add 1 part Imperial Storm Troopers, 1 part sheep, 1 part nursery rhymes, 1 part John Williams, and 1 part flash? Baa Baa Imperial Sheep. It's a great little flash animation to get you through this Friday. Watch it, sing it, love it. I guarantee, you've never heard or seen Baa Baa Blacksheep sung like this before. (via Little Ray of Sunshine)

Pirates & Emperors 
This is a great little animation in the spirit of School House Rock about Pirates & Emperors. Except, it only start out about pirates and robbers. Then it becomes about Uncle Sam and the Nicaraguan Contras, Saddam Hussein, and Osama Bin Laden. But it's got a pretty catchy tune and draws some interesting parallels between criminals and governments.


Reverse Shootem'up 
This is an interesting twist on the familiar arcade game where you fly a ship and destroy the enemy base. Instead of playing the fighter jet, space ship, or bomber jet, you play the base in the Inverse Shootem'up. You fire your cannons, send in your attack squadron, and try to destroy the lone supership before it destroys your mothership. The normal setting isn't too bad, but it gets mighty tough after that. That fighter is one tough ship.

Love & Methane 
I recently discovered The Sneeze. It's pretty funny. But while I was reading it, I came across a gem of a post entitled Love & Methane: An Open Discussion. It's all about the appropriate time to fart in front of your significant other.
I'm curious about a milestone we reach in relationships. People have very specific thoughts and rules about when it's okay to have sex for the first time, but when is it cool to fart?

Is there a proper etiquette to crossing this bridge? What's the best way to do it? Do you think it's good to get it right out there in the open, or wait like my father and literally let your very first shared emission be in the elevator on your honeymoon. (I love that, and salute him for his timing.)
Well, the anecdote that follows is fairly humorous, but the real goods are tucked away in the comments. Over 130 people have responded sharing those truly heart-felt moments when the first gas was passed. I know it's a little crude, but it's real, and it's funny. Heck, it's real funny. Enjoy.


The Grrr... Game 
Hate something, change something, make something better. That's the theme of this game, put out by Honda UK. And despite what you might think about games produced by car/lawnmower companies, this game is pretty good. You play a rabbit who hates industrial waste, annoying cellphones, and other such intruders on peace and quiet. You hop around collecting carrots and exploring strange environments, trying to get to a barbeque. It's supposed to show how their new diesel engine is better than other diesel engines. But it didn't really get that point across to me. All I know is that it was fun. So play the Grrr... game (via MetaFilter)

explodingdog 2004 
So, I stumbled across a cool site today. It's called explodingdog and it's got some cool pictures on it. The idea is that Sam draws pictures and he likes a challenge, so people send him titles for pictures and then he draws the picture he thinks should go with the title. The one pictured above is one of my personal favorites. I'm a big fan of his style. Anyway, check it out now or stop by later and hit it from my roundup.

Warning! This game could be hazardous to your employment. Motherload is part Dig Dug, part Armageddon, and all fun. You start off in an almost worthless ship on Mars. Then you start to mine. The more you mine, the more money you make. The more money you make, the better your ship gets. It's a simple concept, but extremely addictive. I highly recommend it. (via Screenhead)


It's TV time 
So, I've been a little busy with my new Quick Links feature to pay too much attention to actual blogging today, but I came across this, and it is awesome. It's over 90 TV themes from popular shows from the late '70s through the early '90s. You want to see Alf? Blossom? Ducktales? Heathcliff? or the Wuzzles? Well, they're all there, plus some that you may have forgotten, like the Visionaries, Super Ted, Perfect Strangers, and Magnum P.I. Need I go on? I thought not. Check it out.

Quick Links 
In an effort to supply you with as much as I can as often as possible, I've decided it would be a good idea to create the "Quick Links" section of my blog. It's not anything fancy, but with a little help from del.icio.us and RSS Digest I think I've done it. When I see stuff that might interest you, might interest me, or looks interesting, but I don't have the time to make any sort of judgment on it, it'll go into the Quick Links section. When I have time and if the links is worth it, I'll create a post for it. So, Quick Links will work sort of as a pre-post queue for me, but for you it gets you the real stuff you want, long before you have to wait for me to get it to you. I hope you like it.

Freestyle Walking 
I'm into extreme sports as much as the next guy, but there have been some new ones introduced to me in the last couple of days (see extreme unicylcing). Today, I had the pleasure of discovering Extreme Walking. Yeah, it sounds lame, I mean how hard is it to put one foot in front of the other? But these kids take it to the next level. They jump over sick roof gaps, backflip off ledges, and generally throw personal safety out the window in an effort to make walking as dangerous as it can be. I think they've succeeded. Enjoy.

Star Wars Kid in Tony Hawk Underground 2 
I never thought I'd be jealous of the Star Wars Kid, but sure enough I am. Apparently, in the new Tony Hawk: Underground 2, Ghyslain has a cameo appearance as the SWK. All I want is to be in a video game. I'd do just about anything, and here I am getting passed up for a kid with a ball collector on a stick. Oh well, the result is pretty bad ass anyway. Check out Waxy for a link to the video clip: Star Wars Kid in Tony Hawk Underground 2.