
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.


Inhuman abilities to get high 
So, while at work, I came across some mind-boggling statistics. Did you know that there are people who smoke, on average, the equivalent of 131 joints a week? I didn't, but according to a new study about how marijuana use affects blood flow to the brain they do. This study broke people into three levels of marijuana users: And they discovered that pot can decrease the flow of blood to your brain and make you dumber. But, unless you are in the Bob Marley range, the effects are reversible, and quite quickly if you stop. But I am still hung-up on these numbers... and I know a person who wrote about the study, so I looked into the specifics. In the heavy users group, the amount of pot smoked ranged from 80 joints a week to 350 joints a week. 350 joints a week! That's 50 joints a day! That's a joint every 20 minutes from 7am to midnight. And how many stoners do we know that get up at 7am? huh? That's right, and how is anybody who's smoking a joint every 20 minutes for 17 straight hours going to be able to raise the funds to support such a habit? I don't know. The statistics are mind-blowing. And I thought you should all be aware of the Herculean feats accomplished by pot heads. I mean, nobody can call that guy lazy, or unmotivated, that is a serious, full-time, no-nonsense kind of life. I can see the M&M's M-Azing bar commercial now... mmmm... and that candy bar would really hit the spot after 350 joints.