
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.


Kung Fu Hustle 
Okay, so I was recently at the movies. And I saw a bad ass movie by the name of . And let me be the first, second, or third to tell you, this movie is [expletive] awesome. It's like a cross between X-Men, Unbreakable, and Kill Bill all rolled into one of Robert Rodriguez's best movies. And don't get me started on the cast (Bruce Willis, Cilve Owen, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Elijah Wood, Rosario Dawson, Benicio Del Toro, Josh Hartnett, Britany Murphy, Devon Aoki, etc...). Anyway, I really liked it. But beyond that, there was an awesome preview for Kung Fu Hustle, which looks really funny and really good; perhaps a Space Jam meets Crouching Tiger? So if you haven't heard of it, you better ask somebody... or visit the website for trailers, photos, and three really fun games (there is a fourth, but it's only kind of fun). Anyway, check it out and it's good to be back in the saddle.