I have a fondness for pirate jokes, but there are some other fantastic ones in there. I won't spoil all the fun. But if you're looking for a little entertainment. Have at it. (via Waxy)Have you heard about the new pirate movie?
It's rated "Arrrrrrr!"A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. He walks up to the bar, sits down, and orders a pint. As the bartender gets a good look at the pirate, he notices the wheel and asks, "Hey matey, do you realize you've got a steering wheel in your pants there?"
Pirate says, "Arr... it's drivin' me nuts."Q: how much did the pirate pay for his peg leg and hook?
A: An arm and a legA pirate wearing two gorgeous hoop earnings walks into a tavern. All the other pirates marvel and exclaim their jelousy - one of them asks: "How much did ye pay fer those?" The pirate responds:
"Arrr....a buck an ear..."A guy leaves town to become a pirate and comes back after a few years on the high seas. He runs into an old buddy of his on the street, and they start to chat:
"Hey, I hear you're a pirate now! I see you've got a hook for an arm. What happened?"
"Well, we were sailing with a hold full of treasure and another pirate ship attacked us and took the gold! One of 'em cut off me hand with his cutlass!"
"That's terrible! I'm so sorry! I see you have an eyepatch, too. What happened?"
"Well, I was up in the crow's nest as a lookout and a seagull shat in me eye!"
"Oh, no! But why do you need an eyepatch for that?"
"Arr, well, I wasn't used to me hook yet."