
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.


Defective Yeti's favorite jokes 
Jokes are good. It's hard to find good ones these days, since you've heard the old ones a million times and the new ones just don't seem to be as funny. Well Defective Yeti has the same problem, so he posted some of his favorite jokes. They are pretty good, but the ones I really like are in the comments section. For example, here is a variation on a theme:

Have you heard about the new pirate movie?

It's rated "Arrrrrrr!"

A pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel in his pants. He walks up to the bar, sits down, and orders a pint. As the bartender gets a good look at the pirate, he notices the wheel and asks, "Hey matey, do you realize you've got a steering wheel in your pants there?"

Pirate says, "Arr... it's drivin' me nuts."

Q: how much did the pirate pay for his peg leg and hook?

A: An arm and a leg

A pirate wearing two gorgeous hoop earnings walks into a tavern. All the other pirates marvel and exclaim their jelousy - one of them asks: "How much did ye pay fer those?" The pirate responds:

"Arrr....a buck an ear..."

A guy leaves town to become a pirate and comes back after a few years on the high seas. He runs into an old buddy of his on the street, and they start to chat:
"Hey, I hear you're a pirate now! I see you've got a hook for an arm. What happened?"
"Well, we were sailing with a hold full of treasure and another pirate ship attacked us and took the gold! One of 'em cut off me hand with his cutlass!"
"That's terrible! I'm so sorry! I see you have an eyepatch, too. What happened?"
"Well, I was up in the crow's nest as a lookout and a seagull shat in me eye!"
"Oh, no! But why do you need an eyepatch for that?"
"Arr, well, I wasn't used to me hook yet."

I have a fondness for pirate jokes, but there are some other fantastic ones in there. I won't spoil all the fun. But if you're looking for a little entertainment. Have at it. (via Waxy)