
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.


Rock and roll is very simple 
Had I never seen this movie I would never have believed that rock and roll was simple. However, after seeing this very tight-laced Asian man declare that it is and then performing one of the sickest drum solos I have ever seen (performed on a keyboard), I am tempted to believe it. This is rock and roll. Consider my socks officially knocked-off. I laughed, I jammed out. This is why I love the internet! And if you are so impressed by this video that you want one of these keyboards for your very own, there is more information available at prodikeys.com (Get it? Like "prodigies"? But "keys" becaues they're keyboards? Clever huh?) (via MetaFilter)