
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.


The GTA San Andreas interview 
Oh snap! It's all that and a side of fries. Looks so good makes a grown man cry. And on and on. All I can say is that the new Grand Theft Auto is going to make all of the other games that come out this year look like mincey, little, sissy games. Don't believe me? Read this interview with Dan Houser. Bigger maps, better AI, better fighting, better driving, and best of all, it's 5 times bigger than Vice City! It's so big that they have no more space on the DVD to put stuff. Grand Theft Auto might not be your thing, but any game that makes fun of your haircut while your toting an uzi is all right by me.