Dancing With Myself
One of the saddest, funniest, and bizarre stories of the Dance Dance Revolution Scene:
Dancing With Myself. I couldn't stop reading. If you only read one story from a publication you've never heard of this year. Read this one. Need a reason?
Giles spent the winter working night shifts at a packing company in Independence, loading seasoning salt and marinades and salad dressings into boxes. But by March he would be fired.
One day in mid-February, he stands in the center of the arcade at Lunar Bowl in Blue Springs.
Aside from a guy reloading a soda machine and a little girl playing a mechanical claw game, the room is empty. Behind him, the screens blink different realities: Save the earth from aliens. Race in a grand prix. Street-fight the world's biggest badasses.
Giles' mom is sewing DDRKC sweatshirts that will be ready for sale at Spring Madness, he says. In late January, Eastglen managers accused him of tampering with a video game's coin-collection system and banned him. He says Eastglen has agreed to grant him special permission to return for the contest, but he's having second thoughts.
That's just a taste, there's six pages of this gold. Go on, you know you want to.