
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.


Words cannot express my frustration... 
But they will attempt it none-the-less. I've had one of the most frustrating weeks in a long time... and it's mostly because of Reagan! But it's also because there is just so much going on at work that nobody decides to tell me about until they need something. GRRRR! That makes me mad. I have things to do and schedules to stick to and projects that I need to finish. But somehow, my work is always secondary to everyone else's (with a few exceptions for the good people I work with). But it only takes a few inconsiderate acts to get me in a pissed off mood. And, well, here I am... So for all of you who have been wondering why I haven't posted, I'm about to give you a demonstration. But I guess the question is really, has anybody even noticed? (Anybody? Bueller? Anybody? Who do economics? Voodoo economics). I'm assuming not, but for my own sanity, I've been busy working on a million and one projects. This past weekend was the first weekend in 7 weeks I haven't been in to the office, but I was here until 9:30 on Friday. But, I'm leaving the pain behind and I'm moving forward...