Smell My Nuts for $6.00
Now that I have your attention, check out the
most poorly named candle I have ever seen. Make sure you click on the picture to enlarge the image and you'll see exactly what I mean:
Smell My Nuts
Banana Nut Bread
Toasted Coconut-Hazelnut
For years we have looked for the "Best Candle"–We wanted the Best Scent&$150;The Best Color–The Best Burn! We realized the candle we wanted was just not being made. So we decided to start Our Own Candle Company. Enjoy what we think is the perfect candel.
And the best candle they could come up with was "Smell My Nuts?" It just may be the world's most perfect candle. And they even misspelled "candel." Kudos all around on a fantastic product!