
BuffaloBandit's Blogtastic Blog
The best nonsense on the Web and various other gimcracks and gewgaws.


BugMeNot Browser plug in 
Damn it feels good to be a gangster. A real gangster never registers for content. He fills in fake information at the New York Times and Washington Post. He boycotts sites that think they are too good for him. But now he has a new weapon in the fight against annoyances. It's called the BugMeNot extension and it's compatible with Mozilla and current Firefox release. Basically, when you get to a site and it tells you to register, all you have to do is right click, and select "BugMeNot" and the extension hits BugMeNot.com and fills in a valid user name and password for you. Easy as pie. If you don't have Firefox, this is the perfect reason to get it, and it's 500 times more secure than Internet Explorer and generally kicks ass. But if you don't want to switch, you can still get log in info from BugMeNot, it just takes longer. Anyway, this is too good to keep under wraps. Damn the man! Save the Empire!